- arid area
- засушливая зона
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
area — [er′ē ə] n. [L, vacant place, courtyard, prob. (in sense “arid, bare place”) < arere, to be dry: see ASH1] 1. a level surface or piece of ground 2. a part of the earth s surface; region; tract 3. the measure of a bounded region on a plane or… … English World dictionary
Arid-zone agriculture — As an area of research and development, arid zone agriculture, or desert agriculture, includes studies of how to increase the agricultural productivity of lands dominated by lack of freshwater, an abundance of heat and sunlight, and usually one… … Wikipedia
area — [16] Area is a direct borrowing from Latin ārea, which simply meant ‘level piece of open ground, particularly one not built on in a city’. An alternative sense of the Latin word, ‘place where grain is threshed’, has suggested to some etymologists … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
area — [16] Area is a direct borrowing from Latin ārea, which simply meant ‘level piece of open ground, particularly one not built on in a city’. An alternative sense of the Latin word, ‘place where grain is threshed’, has suggested to some etymologists … Word origins
Arid Lands Ecology Reserve — The Arid Land Ecology Reserve is the largest tract of shrub steppe ecosystem remaining in the U.S. state of Washington. It is managed for the U.S. Department of Energy by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (which is operated for the U.S.… … Wikipedia
arid — [17] English acquired arid from Latin aridus, either directly or via French aride. The Latin adjective is part of a web of related words denoting ‘dryness’ or ‘burning’: it came from the verb ārēre ‘be dry’, which may be the source of area; it… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
arid — [17] English acquired arid from Latin aridus, either directly or via French aride. The Latin adjective is part of a web of related words denoting ‘dryness’ or ‘burning’: it came from the verb ārēre ‘be dry’, which may be the source of area; it… … Word origins
area — areal, adj. areally, adv. /air ee euh/, n. 1. any particular extent of space or surface; part: the dark areas in the painting; the dusty area of the room. 2. a geographical region; tract: the Chicago area; the unsettled areas along the frontier.… … Universalium
area — ar•e•a [[t]ˈɛər i ə[/t]] n. pl. ar•e•as 1) an extent of space or surface: the dark areas in the painting[/ex] 2) a geographical region: the Chicago area[/ex] 3) a section reserved for a specific function: the dining area[/ex] 4) extent; range;… … From formal English to slang
area — noun Etymology: Latin, open space, threshing floor; perhaps akin to Latin arēre to be dry more at arid Date: 1538 1. a level piece of ground 2. the surface included within a set of lines; specifically the number of unit squares equal in measure… … New Collegiate Dictionary
arid plain — flat area of land which receives little rainfall … English contemporary dictionary